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Bill Richardson
United Nations, 1997-1998
Bill Richardson is the former Secretary of Energy of the United States and the former Governor of New Mexico. Prior to becoming Energy Secretary, he served as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations from 1997-1998, and, before that, as a US Congressman from New Mexico for seven terms. At Energy, Ambassador Richardson made improving security and counterintelligence at the nuclear weapons labs and throughout the Department of Energy (DOE) complex his top priority. While serving as Ambassador to the UN, Mr. Richardson addressed numerous difficult international negotiating challenges and crises including Iraq, unpaid US United Nations dues, Zaire and Afghanistan. In the Congress, he was elected eight times to represent New Mexico's 3rd Congressional District, one of the most ethnically diverse in the country. In addition to his leadership role in Congress as Chief Deputy Democratic Whip, Mr. Richardson was a longtime and active member of the House Commerce, Resources and Intelligence Committees. He has served as President Clinton's special envoy on many sensitive missions and has been nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize. As a diplomatic troubleshooter, he has negotiated the release of hostages, American servicemen and prisoners in North Korea, Iraq, Cuba and Sudan. Full bio.
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