Stuart E. Eizenstat
European Union, 1993-1996
Stuart E. Eizenstat served as Deputy Secretary of the Treasury. He also served as the Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs. Earlier, he was the Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade. He served as the US Ambassador to the European Union from 1993-1996. He received the Secretary of State's award for distinguished service for his tenure there. He was the Special Envoy of the President and Secretary of State on the Promotion of Democracy in Cuba (1996-1997). Since 1995, he has been Special Envoy of the State Department on Property Restitution in Central and Eastern Europe and Nazi-era Slave and Forced Labor. He had been a Chairman of the Washington office of Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy. He was an adjunct lecturer at Harvard's JFK School of Government from 1981-1992. He was a staff aide to President Johnson in the White House from 1967-1968. He was research director for Hubert Humphrey in his 1968 presidential campaign and a law clerk at the US District Court in Atlanta from 1968-1970. He became issues and policy director to the Carter presidential campaign in 1976. In 1977, he became Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs and Executive Director of the Domestic Policy Staff at the White House and served there until 1981. Full bio.